Well, so far okay, apart from my fudging the image uploading, inserting random nonsense. I will be uploading some pictures of sessions and some of new pieces of kit I have got and never bothered to capture on camera at some stage. I might get to like this blogging thing and go o.t.t.! Now 02.37 a.m. UK time and wide awake. I had a great session today (actually yesterday) with Fido the wanker. He is an utter dog-doo, one of my oldest most loyal subs and a source of great amusement to my circle of subs and friends, which appeals to his love of humiliation. I am musing over what to buy this year for the studio and I keep debating whether to replace my gyn chair for a more imposing type with a steel tray and cut-outs. I have got rid of some things, the place was getting ridiculously cluttered. A couple of the larger, lesser-used items of furniture went into storage- if I ever have a larger premises then can utilise them, but with space at a premium I can only have practical items. Whoever thought BDSM items would be called 'practical'?!! I am also debating whether to lose the bondage bed, although it is good for those with back problems and of course, for overnight stays.
Am hoping this year to do some more great sessions with my lovely Irish friend, Mistress Tara aka Mindplay Mistress of Heathrow. I was not so available last year generally as had so much personal stuff going on but I have an indomitable spirit and bounce back.
Well adieu and t.t.f.n.