Saturday, 25 January 2014

Time Wasters/nutters and some info on poppers.

Yes, all Mistresses get them, well it happens in real-life but the scene seems to attract its fair-share of them! The time-wasters are pretty much, on the whole, harmless idiots trying to get their rocks off whilst speaking on the phone to whoever they have targeted for wank-fodder.  Not interested in where you are/how to locate you, working hours, fees etc etc, just gory details about "what will you do to me?" or launching into a speil about their fetishes etc.  I find these very funny, water off a ducks back mostly. Then we get the deranged idiots who swear and leave inappropriate messages. A big Bronx Cheer to the numpty who left a load of  expletives and abusive messages on my phone at silly o'clock.  Obviously he was off his head on drink or drugs as he was barely coherent and like as not, no job to get up for the next day.  Apparently  I am a C*NT!!  Well dear, I do have one, but don't take me for one or I will be one! The police take a dim view of phone abuse (calls and texts), can monitor this caller's number (even if withheld they unscramble it) and will take further action.  So, if you are literate and reading this, you have been warned! Update: Just to be on the safe side, this sad-sack Billy-no-mates has been blocked from calling or texting and my voice-mail facility is disabled.

I get asked a lot about poppers and my take on them is the real stuff is more or less obsolete now.  Amyl Nitrite was developed for Angina sufferers but more modern drugs have superseded this so it is only produced in small quantities as an anti-dote to cyanide poisoning, and due to EC legislation, it is illegal to import it from countries outside the EC into Europe or any other banned similar substances.  The stuff on sale now in the sex/gay/fetish shops  is "legal" to buy, (for now) until banned. There are clubs and suppliers that allegedly have caches of and sell previously banned poppers  on the QT but not sure if it's all urban myth.  I've also heard of "Amsterdam" websites that claim to have the real deal but the feedback is not good on these- promises of everything but short on delivery!   Rumoured also to be obtainable from Canada but who would risk importing banned substances from a country that is subject to Customs searches in the UK? So, it's the technically "legal" (and horribly stinky and chemically smelling) stuff is all that is available for me.