Sunday, 11 January 2015

Happy New Year

Spent most of Xmas, NY and my birthday miserably ill but getting back on track now. Having a dungeon de-clutter and got rid of some excess stuff as part of my 2015 mission to curb my inner-hoarding tendencies. There must be something to this Feng Shui thing because I can feel a different energy flowing in the studio now.
I am also trying to help an ex-Domme friend get rid of some of her stuff so if anyone is interested in the following, then please email me. Hospital/medical screens (vintage and modern), Rotating bondage rack/wheel, Electro boxes (Erostek and Estim + attachments), vintage dental/barber/tattoo chair (hydraulic), heavy rubber arm corsets, wall grids, fuck machine (heavy duty with metal base plate), C&B straps, nipple clamps, gasmasks, and assorted medical items and consumables. Mostly used but some new stuff and reasonable offers accepted.
Here are some photos of Victoria taken during a pre-Xmas session with sub J.  Vikki was looking very glam/gothic as a change from her blonde bombshell look.